Living in the new normal.

I shaved my face today.

 I was careful not to cut myself. I took the time to focus and made an effort to do the job carefully. This is not unique. I shave on a regular basis. Today, I’m taking the particular note of this because it’s one of the things that is somewhat “normal. “ I did this because I wanted to have something routine. So, I shaved, knowing that I had no plans of going anywhere today.

I’ve been at home these past days due to COVID-19. My usual work gigs are canceled. There’s no expectation of when any of this will end. 

This quarantine has been weird and stressful. Earlier this week, I saw a Facebook post from Karin, a clown colleague in Sweden. She wrote an article about her COVID-19 experience. I exchanged a few messages with her. Her last word said, “Keep your mind calm, your heart warm, and your hands clean.

A simple message.

Over the past several days, I focused on staying busy. I’ve gotten back on my unicycle. I’m playing more music at home. I created a few videos to share. These activities keep my mind calm.

Social media has been an excellent resource for me. Much of my time is spent watching other videos created by artists from the Healthcare Clown Virtual page. It’s become a page where clown artist can share their work with other clowns. 

I’ve also enjoyed watching and appearing on , “Dispatches from The Social Distance“ by Scott Robinson. Scott has been producing a nightly show featuring artists on Facebook. It’s been an opportunity to see old friends, see new people. 

My morning shaving today was not normal, but it helped. So clean-faced, I move on…

with a calm mind, warn heart, and clean hands


This blog is included as one of the Top Clown Blogs and Websites To Follow in 2020. This site covers a wide variety of issues in clowning. You can check out the top clown blogs here
