Posts in Clowns w/out Borders
It's Alright to Snälltolka in Barcelona

As I played the music, there was a line of performers singing and dancing along. They all replied, "It's Alright "!. This started as my version of the Curtis Mayfield song "It's Alright." It's one of my favorite tunes to play in the hospital. At home in Georgia, people sing along. For them, it is a gospel refrain from the black church, and they are eager to join me in singing….

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Onward, Sudden and Suspended at HCIM

The room was full of bodies moving, of people responding to the cues I gave them. They moved eagerly, without reservation. They followed the cues I gave them, each person interpreting the instructions in their way. It was like a room full of people doing the same dance, yet each person had a unique version of the movement. We were suddenly moving together. Suspended in a moment where all that mattered was our movement. We moved, experienced, learned, and shared our experiences.

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We've been in Freeport for a week. Since we've been here, we were able to make some connections in this community. One day we were riding to a show in the back of a truck. As we traveled down the road, we passed a woman who saw us perform in a medical clinic a few days ago. She waved at us and said," Thank you for making me laugh," as we drove away….

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